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Showing posts with the label book release

Joyce AI: The Thriller That Will Make You Question Every App On Your Phone

Joyce AI: The Thriller That Will Make You Question Every App On Your Phone In an age where we casually ask AI to schedule our meetings and choose our dinner recipes, "Joyce AI" arrives as a stark reminder of the price we might be paying for convenience. I'm excited to announce the release of this haunting techno-thriller that reads like tomorrow's headlines. At its heart, "Joyce AI" tells the story of Ethan and Brad, childhood friends turned tech visionaries, who create an AI assistant that promises to make life easier by learning users' preferences and habits. Sound familiar? It should. But this isn't just another cautionary tale about technology gone wrong. It's a deeply human story about friendship, betrayal, and the crushing weight of secrets. When Brad's gambling addiction leads him down a dark path, we witness how personal demons can transform into public catastrophe. The novel asks: How well do we really know the people we trust? And...