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From Whispers to Screams: My Hilarious Journey into Audiobook Narration

Picture this: 

a mild-mannered mystery writer, armed with nothing but a dream, a microphone, and a relative who knows his way around a soundboard. What could possibly go wrong? Everything, my friends. Everything.

The Birth of a Brilliant (Read: Insane) Idea

It all started when I thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be great if my cozy mystery 'Whispers in the Attic' could actually whisper in people's ears?" Little did I know, I was about to embark on a four-month journey that would test my sanity, my vocal cords, and my family's patience.

Learning to Talk: Take 436

First step: learn to narrate. How hard could it be? I talk all the time! Turns out, talking into a microphone for hours on end is about as natural as trying to lick your elbow. There were days when I sounded less like a smooth narrator and more like a choking cat trying to recite Shakespeare.

Software: The Real Mystery

Next up: mastering audio software. Because apparently, writing a mystery novel wasn't enough of a brain-teaser. I spent countless hours staring at waveforms, wondering if I was editing an audiobook or decoding alien transmissions. Pro tip: clicking random buttons and hoping for the best is not a valid editing technique.

ACX: The Final Boss

Just when I thought I had it all figured out, enter ACX and its requirements. It was like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube while blindfolded and riding a unicycle. Backward. On fire. There were moments when I seriously considered if carrier pigeons might be a more efficient way to distribute my audiobook.

Family: The Unsung Heroes

Shoutout to one of my awesome relative a broadcaster/podcaster pro who swooped in like an audio superhero. Without him, this audiobook might have ended up sounding like it was recorded underwater. In a storm. With dolphins.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel (It Wasn't a Train!)

After four months of blood, sweat, and tears (mostly tears), "Whispers in the Attic" was ready for ears everywhere. The sense of triumph was overwhelming. I may or may not have run around the house screaming, "It's alive!" like a mad scientist.

Would I Recommend This Journey?

With caution, my friends. With great caution. Unless you enjoy talking to yourself for hours, have a penchant for technical frustration, and possess the patience of a saint, maybe stick to writing. But if you're as stubbornly determined (read: slightly unhinged) as I am, go for it! The satisfaction of hearing your words come to life is worth every moment of madness.

The Grand Finale

    So there you have it, folks. My journey from writer to narrator, from sane to slightly less so. "Whispers in the Attic" is now not just a book you can read, but an audiobook you can listen to. Whether you prefer to use your eyes or your ears, the choice is yours. And the really great part is something called "Whispersync". No - that is Audible's term, not mine, though it fits. If you own the ebook already.... you can get the audio version for something like $7 and switch back and forth. Awesome!!

Just remember, every time you hear a perfectly narrated line, picture me, probably in my pajamas, probably on my fifth cup of coffee, probably questioning all my life choices.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go lie down in a soundproof room and enjoy the sweet, sweet silence. Until inspiration strikes again, that is. Audiobook sequel, anyone? (Just kidding. Or am I?)

 Check it out

Check it out - Whispers in the attic, book one in the "Magical Papillon" series of cozy mysteries. Now as an audiobook, on Amazon, Audible and itunes.


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